Experimentalists Anonymous DIY Archives

Current directory: diy/Schematics//Buffers Switchers Mixers and Routers/

 3 line mixer
 3PDT LED wiring
 3PDT TB Wiring
 3PDT TB looper with LED
 4 input mixer
 6 input mixer
 AMZ Super Buffer
 Anderton buffer baord
 CV mixer with offset function
 Craig Anderton Buffer
 Digital Bypass
 Dual Pre Amp and AB box
 Effects Swapper Revised
 Effects Swapper
 Electronic Bypass
 FET Buffer 2
 FET Buffer 3
 FET Buffer
 Feedback Looper with Body Contacts
 Feedback loop with LED
 Feedback loop
 Ibanez LS 10
 MOSFET Buffer
 Matrix mixer
 Mixers and EQs
 Momentary to Latching
 Op amp inverting buffer 2
 Op amp inverting buffer
 Op amp noninverting buffer 2
 Op amp noninverting buffer 3
 Op amp noninverting buffer 4
 Op amp noninverting buffer 5
 Op amp noninverting buffer
 Passive Mixer
 Passive Stereo Mixer
 Passive mic attenuator
 Passive variable attenuator
 Rat Bypass
 Simple Mixer
 Simple Mixers
 Single Mixer Band
 TB with DPDT without LED
 TB with LED and volume
 Transistor buffer 1
 Transistor buffer 2
 Transistor buffer 3