Colin's Photo-Journal in England
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For the previous two weeks, click here.
Today I started getting on the final stages, like doing "micromesh", a sort of sanding paper that goes incredibly fine.

I also applied some linseed oil to the fingerboard to make the wood really come out.

As a final shine, I burnished the finish.

And strung it up to sit overnight, tomorrow I will set and wire it up.

Well, I finished laquering, and let it dry over the weekend, and the last two days have been sanding. Just sanding.

I also removed all of the tape and laquer protection, like here on the neck.

Yesterday and today were simply laquering days. Occasionally, between coats, we would flatten the surface a bit with sandpaper.

Before spraying the guitar at all, I had to cover up the fingerboard and all of the holes on the guitar.

Here the guitar is all set up for the black spray, to make the sunburst finish.

Steve took this picture while I applied a coat of laquer.

Here the guitar is hanging out to dry among the others. This is basically what my guitar will look like so it's very cool to see.

Today, I dyed my guitar. I couldn't take a picture during the process because you have to do it all at once-here is the back after coloring.

After coloring, I applied a coat of "shellac", although it's not easy to tell in this picture.

First thing today was filling my grain on the front and back. To give it an "authentic" wood look, I filled the grain with two layers, one with a darker color and one with a lighter, on both the front and back. Here I am testing the color.

Here I am applying the grain filler with a paper towel, which is then wiped down immediately and sanded off when it dries.

Here is the end product (although it is not easy to notice at all.)

Towards the end of the day, I applied my headstock logo. Here I am figuring out where to place it.

After putting on the vinyl stickers, I signed and dated the guitar.

I also tested my color for the actual color of the top, which I will be applying tomorrow.
