- stands for open open sound control controller.
- is an open source/hardware controller that communicates via the open sound control protocol.
- is intended as a replacement for common MIDI controllers.
- is meant to help DIYers transition from MIDI to better methods of communication.
- communicates via ethernet (via wi-fi is a future goal).
- can be powered by USB or a 5V DC adapter. Battery power is also a possibility.
- is open-ended, and will eventually allow interfacing with both analog and digital inputs and outputs.
- is currently very much in beta stages.

Here is a video of this ooscc, connected via Ethernet to a Macbook Pro, which is running Max/MSP. The patches used in this video are available on the software page. The ooscc is compatible with any application/device that can speak in OSC.
For more information, questions, or comments, don't hesitate to contact me at colin@experimentalistsanonymous.com